Learn Spiritualism And Art Of Amulets:
People who want to learn and master in the art of preparing
amulets/taweezat can join us and start spiritual journey with total faith and belief. We guide and lead spiritually in a very simple and
clear way. Details are given in our website.
Complete Removal, Treatment
And Cure Of Any Kind Of Magic And Spell:
There are multiple types of magic for example:
Sahar-ul-Marz, Sahar-ul-Hawatif, Sahar -e- Takheel, Sahar-e-
Tafreeq etc. etc..
To remove and cure all type of spells, there is a course of
taweezat can be done which is for 40 or 90 days, sometimes 120 days depends on
the severity of case, in which water is given to patient or effective person
which is made of Quranic verses written with saffron. With this, amulet for
burning purpose also given and there is separate naqsh/amulet for each day.
One naqsh/taweez/amulet/charm of Loh-e-Shifa is also given
to wear or tie on arm.
This is one of the most popular method of removing magic of
any kind. There are also other methods which are done accordingly.
Sahar-E-Tafreeq / Magic Between Husband And Wife:
This is done to separate or cause differences between
husband and wife, special course of taweezat/amulet made of saffron are given
to cure.
Complete elimination of Shetani asaraat, Jinn , evil
spirit, sheikh saddu
Satisfactory treatment of people who are under devilish
influence of poltergeist,
ghost or spirit is done with full confidence and it’s not mandatory to bring
the sick person or sufferer in the office. For the help in sheikh sadu, must
contact us, as from the blessing of our Aliya Qadria Barkatiya Rizviya we
completely finish this kind of evil power.
Protection from evil eyes:
Many people as well as children undergo and hurt from evil
eyes. Evil eyes deteriorate and destroy property, business and social status. Many
hadiths have been reported concerning evil eye sickness and troubles. Taweezat/charms
are given to protect from evil eyes.
Personal and marital problems:
Married couple specially men if they are facing any sexual
problem there is definitely a spiritual cure.
Success in love and love marriage issues:
To achieve success in love affairs and solving love
marriage issues we have the biggest and very successful procedure. By the grace
of Allah, thousands of people around the world gratified with success regarding
this matter. Chiragh-e-mohabbat (love lamp), Loh-e-Taskheer Akbar, Loh-e-Zahra
Khas, Loh-e- Sharaf-e-Zahra, Loh-e-Mukhammas and other types of angelic
procedure are done accordingly and given to needy people. In this, four element
procedure is quite popular here.
Hurdles/ Complication in getting married:
If one’s daughter or sister is facing difficulty in getting
married due to magic or some diabolism then there is a solution with the help of
taweezat/amulets made with Quranic verses written by saffron. This is a 40 days
course, one Naqsh is also given to wear around the neck or tie on arm.
Annoyance/ irritation by enemies:
To protect from perplexity and distress by people, Naqsh of
Dua-e-Saifi, Naqsh of Dua-e-Hydri etc. are given created to devastate the enemy.
You can also ask the demolition and collapse of enemies only in certain
conditions for example; to hold one’s tongue, to refrain someone from speaking
something unpleasant and to start clash and controversy between enemies or to
shatter the them.
To make business prosperous or to expand the business:
To make business blessed and flourished Loh-e-Shams, Loh-e-Mushtari,
Loh-e-Zahra, Loh-e-Nafa e Tijarat, Naqsh-e-Fatehnama etc. are created. In
regards to become filthy rich and make your business extraordinary triumphant
these charms/ amulets are positively valuable.
Release of a person from imprisonment:
To remove imprisonment, one charm/ talisman / taweez is
created for a prisoner to wear around the neck, if it’s not possible then some
other taweez / talisman will be given to put or throw in the river.
Stability in job:
There are many people who don’t have permanent job, or some
are hired only for a short duration or on temporary basis. For building a more
stable career and life platform Loh-e-Istehkaam, Loh-e-shams, Loh-e-Taskheer
Akbar are given.
Increment and promotion in designation:
Those people who wants
advancement in rank or position as they work but not getting any fruitful
result. While their co-workers are getting promoted and upgraded even who were
junior to them while no obstacle is
found in their path and it seems to be a natural phenomenon, there is a
spiritual solution to this problem in Naqsh-e-Takseer which is made every
To Conceive A Baby Or To Become A Pregnant:
There are lots of reasons for not conceiving a child, sometimes
bad health, due to some natural complications, illness and sexual problems. There
is a spiritual solution to all kind of problems through Quran.
To Win A Court Case:
There is a solution for help and success in any kind of
court case. For normal and easy cases, a Naqsh called, “Naqsh-e-Fatehnama” is
made whereas to conquest big and difficult cases a special “Chilla” of some
“Quranic ayahs” is done which is for 120 days.
Victory in Competitive Exams:
Many difficult exams like UPSC, CSS, NBDE, PLAB and other
difficult tests from all around the world a special Loh is created called
“Loh-e-shams” to get fruitful reward.
Cure For Critical and Undiagnosed Diseases:
When doctor fails to cure and diagnose the medical case
even when all the laboratory tests are cleared, lot of money is wasted and
there is no hope around and patient is not getting better even after taking
medicines. In such cases saffron taweezat are given of some special Quranic
verses, to make this procedure more forceful and strong we do dam also. By the
grace of Allah only in first attempt (Chilla) patient gets better and over
health is improved.
Improving memory
power and increment in Intelligence:
To achieve success in
examinations, increment in memorization and brilliance and to get sharp
brainpower we give saffron taweezat/ amulet for drinking over empty stomach for
almost 40 or 90 days.
To make your
children and wife obedient and loyal:
For non-obedient
children and wife a naqsh is made to make them faithful and well behaved which
is called “Nash-e-Inquilab”
Sufi Muhammad Imran Razvi Alqadri
(Numerologist and Spiritual Healer)
ادارہ روحانی امداد
Roohani Imdad
Email : sufiimranrazvee@yahoo.com
Mobile -.
+91 9883021668 / 9748317598
Skype ID -
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